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27 July 2024
28 July 2024
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Family Getaway

Enjoy party refreshment and snacks and a host of special touches. Have a fun-filled holiday break with your little ones.

5-star hotel service, magnificent 180 degree Victoria Harbour view, top ranking @tripadvisor

Starting from HK$2,788 + 10% service charge (Luxe Harbour Room) for 1 night, privileges include:

– One night stay in Luxe Harbour Room
– Welcome snack basket
– Complimentary light buffet breakfast up to 3 persons
– Complimentary access of Entertainment Room
– Complimentary streaming of Disney+ and Netflix access
– Complimentary extra bed arrangement
– Complimentary rental of Nintendo Switch
– 20% discount at THE PRAYA
– Children’s room amenities
– Kids tent set up
– Complimentary overnight car parking for one night
– Early check-in at 11:00am and late check-out till 3:00pm

This package is valid until 31 July, 2024.

For enquiries, please contact Reservations at (852) 3181 1650 or

Kindly read the full Terms & Conditions before booking.